I go back and forth trying to decide what I should typically focus on in my blog. Running? Operation Jack? Autism? My family? My daily adventures? Well, definitely not my daily adventures, because I’m pretty boring. I guess I’ll just try to write enough without falling asleep and hope y’all keep coming back. Today, I think I’m going to tell a story about how much of a dork I was in junior high.
Running Update
Well, as I mentioned yesterday, I’m getting a greenish-yellowish light from my physical therapist to run. I’m only going to do what she allows me to, because I’m smart enough to know how stupid I am, and I don’t want to spend all of next year in pain.
This morning, I was allowed 10 miles, and for the first time in 38 days, I went on a double-digit run! Yeah! 10.1 on the hills I always run on. It was a little warm out there — 73 degrees before 7 a.m.? Felt a little slow at 8:30/mile and a moderate-to-decent effort, but I know I’m rusty and I’ll be where I need to be soon enough. Tomorrow, 7 miles.
That reminds me, Sally, I didn’t see you. I think I left a tiny bit too early. Let me know what time you’re running tomorrow and maybe I’ll just drive over and meet you at the start.
Coming Soon: GoWagon.com!
Train 4 Autism and Operation Jack have teamed up with a website called GoWagon.com to help you with your training. I’m going to be working on integrating GoWagon.com with the Operation Jack website. In doing so, we’ll post training plans and help you log your workouts online. If you’re on one of the teams here at Operation Jack, you’ll be able to see how everybody on your team is doing through a Facebookish news feed type of feature on the team page.
It’s gonna be pretty cool once we get it up this fall. Of course, I’m the web developer here, so “we” is “me” … put another project on the pile!
I’m On A Team … Now What?
Buy a shirt! Or recruit friends. I know I keep saying this, but I’m going to help you soon. I really am. I’m just putting the finishing touches on my project and then I’ll be able to dive back into this full-time. I’m super antsy about all of this, because making Operation Jack a success is a HUGE deal to me and I know I need to support you. I’m trying, I swear. I’ll be able to help you better very soon and I REALLY, REALLY appreciate your patience.
I guess one of the benefits of running 60 marathons is that I get to name the endeavor after my own child and I get to put pictures of him up on the website. But let’s be realistic: You care more about your kid than mine (well, except for you, Tiff, because your kids are my kids!). So, if you want to be a part of Operation Jack and support a great cause, I want to put some spotlight on your kid/grandkid/nephew/niece/etc.
Take a look at the Platoons page. It’s super easy to put one of those up. Drop me a line and I’ll tell you how!
Ice Cream Update
Vanilla/chocolate frozen yogurt swirl at Costco for lunch yesterday. Streak is now up to 69 consecutive days eating frozen yogurt or ice cream.
Mississippi Anybody?
I’ve still got four months until the start of next year, but those four months are going to fly by. So, I need to get going on building teams for the courses that come earlier in the year. I’ll start with the Mississippi Blues Marathon on January 9 in Jackson, Miss. I need people for that team! They have a 1/2 marathon, full marathon and marathon relay. I’ve been in contact with their Elite Athletes Coordinator, Bryan Lagg, and he’s been very kind and accommodating. I’m really looking forward to this race — they’re going to do a number helping Operation Jack and I want to pay Bryan back with a good turnout.
If any of you are in Mississippi, or if you know anybody in Mississippi, please join the team! A lot of you ask, “what can I do to help?” Well, here’s something you can do!
If you’re not a fan on Facebook, hop to it! If you’re on Twitter, follow @operationjack.
And of course, none of you would upset me if you bought a t-shirt!
Talking With Erin
Yesterday, I started off my blog with a brief mention of a conversation I had with Erin on Sunday. So today, I’m to go more in-depth about a conversation I had with her yesterday.
Sam: Yeah, I’m back from the dead. Glad you read it — if I’m gonna call you out in the first sentence, it would be a bummer if you never saw it!
Erin: yeah. just glad you didn’t make fun of me. You didn’t, right?!
Sam: No, not at all. I just like putting people’s names in there every here and there for fun. If I was making fun of you, you’d know and it wouldn’t be anything insulting. Only person I’ll insult in my blog is me. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do that and make fun you at the same time.
Erin: ha ha! now I better be mentioned tomorrow!
Done. Now, as I promised you, Erin, I’ll insult myself. This brings me to how I mentioned up at the top how I’d talk about what a dork I was in junior high.
Sam: Junior High: Dork!
OK, I know this isn’t much of a surprise and it’s not really like a magician revealing his tricks, but I write my blog the night before and I word it as if I wrote it the day I posted it. Well, I write the running part in the morning, but that’s it. So, what’s my point? My point is I’m tired. And I’m also looking at this blog thinking it’s already getting pretty long. So, I think I’ll save this story for tomorrow, because it’s awesome and I shouldn’t shorten it.
To sum it up, though, I’m competitive, and I was on the math team, and I OWNED the county competition in eighth grade and I got to stick it to a team that didn’t want me. It was awesome, and the only time in my life anybody was more dominant than I was on that day was Reagan vs. Mondale in 1984. It was awesome. And so is the bowl of ice cream my wife is about to bring me. Caramel praline something or another … that’s awesome too.
Tomorrow, math team, I promise. I RULE.
Video of the Day
OK, I do dumb things, like running 26.5 miles on a sprained ankle. And I do things that might be tough on the body, like planning on running 60 marathons in a year. But I’ve got nothing on my friend Ray:
That’s All I Got
Well, that’s not really all I got, but that’s all I got for today. Yeah, bad grammar. Thanks for stopping by!