I need to train, no question. But I also need to work, sleep, hang out with the kids, spend time with my wife … the list goes on and on, but the days don’t. They come and they go, the weeks fly by, and the one thing that seems to be missing is the training.
Is it bad if I’m just training vicariously through my wife? I’m training for 60 marathons and she’s training for her first. But since June 1, I’ve probably taken about 20 days off, while she’s nailed every workout. I didn’t run today, but I did have ice cream and a double-double at In-N-Out. She’s getting excited about her 17-miler in the morning. Mentally, I’m taking a little time off. I went through an emotional roller coaster late in the spring, with a great run at Boston on April 20, a slip in Orange County on May 3 and then a disaster of a 50-miler on May 9 and an even worse outing at the Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego on May 21.
Mentally, I haven’t been the same since May 9. Physically, I’ve been battling tendinitis and fatigue. There’s no question that whole work and life thing is getting in the way. I have a huge project that needs to be finished by August 1. I’m expecting to get my life back then, so in the meantime, I’m just trying to hold on to my fitness by maintaining a small base. I’m running about half the miles I’m used to, but I’ll ramp it up for four months starting in August. For now, though, it’s just a lot of time in front of the computer, a daily dose of ice cream, and a lot of push-up breaks while I’m working.
I have no worries about Operation Jack, though. This is the break I’ve needed. I really haven’t been out of training mode since I started training for my first marathon in February of 2006. It’s time to rest and recharge (or so I’m telling myself), because there sure won’t be an opportunity for that next year.
1. I once ate 100 fried shrimp at Sizzler.
2. I spent a year as a blackjack dealer in Las Vegas.
3. I never ran a mile faster than 8:30 before my 31st birthday.
4. I once did the YMCA in a mascot costume in front of more than 16,000 people.
5. I was looking for the office on my first day of high school, but I accidentally walked into the girls locker room.
I had a nice bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream tonight, running my streak to 17 consecutive days having ice cream or frozen yogurt (18 of 19).
I’m hoping to get a 10-mile run in tomorrow. My wife is going out early for a 17-miler, and I didn’t run today. I hate not running, and I get antsy when I build up a streak of not getting out there. Sunday, I’m hoping to get up early and get out for a long run. At least 20, hopefully at least 27. No idea, though. I’ve got work to do in the morning, then I’m going to volunteer at the Train 4 Autism booth at the USAAA show in Los Angeles, then I’m gonna come home, hang out with the kids for a bit, and get some work done after they go to sleep. More work looms on Sunday. Ahhhhh, work. Oh well — it keeps the roof over our heads! And at least I can do it from home!
It can be about running, baseball, fixing cars … if it’s about fixing cars, though, you’re probably going to want to do the opposite of what I recommend! I took auto shop in high school, but I wasn’t raised on fixing cars, so it’s not really my thing. But somebody ask me a question! Contact Us on the site goes straight to me.
I have to shamelessly plug the site every time. Register! Please?!?!? No cost, no obligation, not going to sell your info or give it away or anything like that. I just want to be able to nicely ask you every here than there to join me on Operation Jack! I have to run 26.2-mile marathons, but you can run a 5K and make a difference! Participation is the key and there are no fundraising obligations.
Yeah, I know, you have to register here to post a comment. But it’s easy and you can save your login with a cookie. So do it! You can also follow me at twitter.com/operationjack or just send me an email at sam dot felsenfeld at gmail dot com. You can subscribe to my blog via RSS now. You know how they say you learn something every day? Well, I learned how to write that code today. Looking forward to tomorrow!
OK, that’s all I’ve got for now. Been on the computer since 5 a.m. — time to rest my weary eyes!