Today’s Workout
I had my much-anticipated appointment with a sports medicine specialist yesterday and it went about as perfectly as I could have hoped! As I suspected, it’s tendinitis in my right knee. They took x-rays from several different angles and structurally, my knee is in great shape.
It’s not just that there’s nothing torn, which was a big fear of mine — it’s that it’s totally fine. All the miles, all the running, and my knee is a typical 34-year-old knee. I guess that would be a problem if I was only 27, but I’m 34. So all is well in Kneeville. I just need to stretch better and ice daily. Tight hamstrings were causing undue stress on the knee, kind of like a left knee injury will cause problems in your right quad because of overcompensation.
And finally, for the first time in a week, I got to go for a run this morning! Nothing spectacular. I pushed a little here and there just to push, but for the most part, it was a comfortable run. 16.1 miles and I feel pretty good. It’s so cliche, but what a difference a day makes! I was scared yesterday that I was at risk to do Operation Jack. Now, I feel like a runner again. Well, except for the 200 pounds I’m carrying.
Talkin’ Jack
In case this is your first time here, or if you’ve never been to the rest of the site, I’m planning on running 60 marathons next year to raise awareness for a charity called Train 4 Autism. My son, Jack, is severely autistic and I want to do something to make a difference in his honor. In this spot in each blog, I’ll talk about Jack a little bit.
Jack had a tough day yesterday. Major meltdowns all day — in the morning at Target, in the late afternoon during his therapy session and again several times in the middle of the night. But when I saw him at lunch at Costco, he was nothing but a treat. Totally calm, happy and pleasant. I just couldn’t help but smile looking at him. He was so cute and sweet and innocent! In the evening, when I walked in the door, he jumped up from his chair and ran over to give me a hug, and he jumped up and got pretty clingy. He was smiling, and it was pretty neat, because I don’t think he’s ever run over to me before. Never, and that’s no exaggeration. So, that was pretty neat, and it was just another sign that while he’s still behind, he’s making improvements.
Aside from lunch and when I walked in the door in the evening, though, there really weren’t a whole lot of positives for the day.
Ice Cream Update
I hit 27 consecutive days eating ice cream or frozen yogurt yesterday with a chocolate/vanilla frozen yogurt swirl at Costco with my lunch. I’ve got some butter pecan in the freezer still, so we’ll see if I can get to 28. I don’t think it’s going to be a problem, but until I eat it, it’s not a done deal.
Operation Jack Update
Thanks to my friend Deirdre Edwards and Lithocraft Company Fine Lithographers, Operation Jack has a truckload of two-sided, full-color glossy flyers. I believe they’re about half the size of a sheet of paper. I’ll find out at lunch today when I meet up with my good friend Ben Delaney, who picked them up for me. Deirdre says there’s 6,000 of them. Ben estimates it might actually be double that amount.
The flyers have a little bit of information about what I’m doing on one side and the schedule on the other. If you’d like some to distribute, let me know and I’ll get some to you. I’ve got more good news, but I’ll save it for tomorrow.
Anybody Have Any Ideas?
When I jumped into Operation Jack, I jumped into the deep end, hoping I’d learn how to swim. So far, so good … kind of. I’ve been busy with other responsibilities this month, but I have a bunch of ideas in the back of my head and I’m ready to attack things starting in August. If you have any ideas of things that you think might help Operation Jack, please don’t hang onto those secrets! Post them here or send me a note through the Contact Us form. If you’d like to help or know anybody who’d like to help, please let me know!
Grandma’s Marathon
If you’re not familiar with Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, Minn., you’d think it’s just a small, nothing race. But it’s a unique race combining small-town feel with big-time race. It’s known for being a great race and it sells out every year. I’ll be there (I’m already registered) and I was pleasantly surprised with how friendly and cooperative the race staff was when I contacted them about working with Operation Jack. They’re going to help with publicity next year as the race draws near, and they’ve pledged a contribution to Operation Jack! So, I’m looking for some teammates up there. If you’re a marathoner who’s ever had Grandma’s in the back of your mind, get out there in 2010!
Best Rendition Of The National Anthem … Ever
I love the national anthem, especially when it’s sung well. It gets me totally excited. For starters, it’s a musical reminder of how we live in the greatest country in the world. And from a running standpoint, it’s exciting to stand at the start line of a marathon, bouncing around and getting ready to race, knowing how privileged I am to be able to go safely run 26.2 miles through unexplored territory. I’ll hear this song 60 times next year, and it’ll sound great every time. But I can’t imagine it’ll sound this good:
Enjoy Your Tuesday … See You At The Hump!
I’m out of material for today. Thanks, as always, for stopping by the booth. And as always, here’s my beg: Please try to get one person to read this blog who didn’t read it today. If you’re on Twitter, try to get one more follower of @operationjack or if you’re on Facebook, try to get one person to join the fan club today. Little tiny efforts like this will make Operation Jack a huge success. Thank you for your help and support and have a great day!
I have the flyers, all 13,750 of them!! Yes, they are half the size of a sheet of paper and they have that wonderful freshly printed smell. See you today… somewhere.